Song of Solomon 4 - LEB

1. Oh my! You are beautiful, my beloved!

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

1. Oh my! You are beautiful!

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

1. Your eyes are doves

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

1. from behind your veil.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

1. Your hair is like a flock of goats

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

2. Your teeth are like a flock of shorn ewes

 Sentiment: Strongly Negative

2. that came up from the washing,

 Sentiment: Strongly Negative

2. all of them bearing twins,

 Sentiment: Strongly Negative

2. and there is none bereaved among them.

 Sentiment: Strongly Negative

3. Your lips are like a thread of crimson,

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

3. and your mouth is lovely.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

3. Your temple is like pomegranate

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

3. from behind your veil.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

4. built in courses;

 Sentiment: Neutral

5. Your two breasts are like two fawns,

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

7. You are completely beautiful, my beloved!

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

7. You are flawless!

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

8. Come with me from Lebanon, my bride!

 Sentiment: Weakly Positive

8. Come with me from Lebanon!

 Sentiment: Weakly Positive

8. Look from the top of Amana,

 Sentiment: Weakly Positive

8. from the top of Senir and Hermon,

 Sentiment: Weakly Positive

8. from the dwelling places of the lions,

 Sentiment: Weakly Positive

8. from the mountains of leopard.

 Sentiment: Weakly Positive

10. How better is your love than wine,

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

11. Your lips drip nectar, my bride;

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

11. honey and milk are under your lips;

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

12. A garden locked is my sister bride,

 Sentiment: Weakly Negative

12. a spring enclosed, a fountain sealed.

 Sentiment: Weakly Negative

13. henna with nard;

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

14. myrrh and aloes with all chief spices.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

15. A garden fountain, a well of living water,

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

15. flowing (streams) from Lebanon.

 Sentiment: Strongly Positive

16. Awake, O north wind! Come, O south wind!

 Sentiment: Strongly Negative

16. Let my beloved come to his garden,

 Sentiment: Strongly Negative

16. let him eat his choice fruit!

 Sentiment: Strongly Negative

Song of Solomon - Chapters
