2Samuel 12:24


And David comforted Bath–sheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her: and she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the Lord loved him.

Weakly Positive(0.787562811)

KJV - King James Version

And David comforted Bath–sheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her: and she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the Lord loved him.

Weakly Positive(0.787562811)

Others Bible versions

Context - KJV

2Samuel 12:24

And David comforted Bath–sheba his wife, and went in unto her, and lay with her: and she bare a son, and he called his name Solomon: and the Lord loved him.

Sentiment: Weakly Positive(0.787562811)

Cross Reference - KJV