Deuteronomy 29:22


And the next generation, your children who rise up after you, and the foreigner who comes from a far land, will say, when they see the afflictions of that land and the sicknesses with which the Lord has made it sick—

Strongly Positive(0.873652748)

ESV - English Standard Version 2016

And the next generation, your children who rise up after you, and the foreigner who comes from a far land, will say, when they see the afflictions of that land and the sicknesses with which the Lord has made it sick—

Strongly Positive(0.873652748)

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Context - ESV

Deuteronomy 29:22

And the next generation, your children who rise up after you, and the foreigner who comes from a far land, will say, when they see the afflictions of that land and the sicknesses with which the Lord has made it sick—

Sentiment: Strongly Positive(0.873652748)

Cross Reference - ESV