2Chronicles 32:23


And many brought gifts unto the Lord to Jerusalem, and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thenceforth.

Strongly Positive(0.996598407)

KJV - King James Version

And many brought gifts unto the Lord to Jerusalem, and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thenceforth.

Strongly Positive(0.996598407)

Others Bible versions

Context - KJV

2Chronicles 32:23

And many brought gifts unto the Lord to Jerusalem, and presents to Hezekiah king of Judah: so that he was magnified in the sight of all nations from thenceforth.

Sentiment: Strongly Positive(0.996598407)

Cross Reference - KJV