2Chronicles 32:1


After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself.

Weakly Positive(0.621835527)

KJV - King James Version

After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself.

Weakly Positive(0.621835527)

Others Bible versions

Context - KJV

2Chronicles 32:1

After these things, and the establishment thereof, Sennacherib king of Assyria came, and entered into Judah, and encamped against the fenced cities, and thought to win them for himself.

Sentiment: Weakly Positive(0.621835527)

Cross Reference - KJV