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6. Longing for Surrender Wholeheartedly

The starting point for a wholehearted delivery is to be passionate about something. We give ourselves for what deeply touches our soul and moves our interior.

“And Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second, similar to this, is: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” Matthew 22:37-40

Loyal, holy love frees us from spiritual burnout and boredom.
Boredom makes us vulnerable to destruction, but God shares with us the power of being in love with Him.

God has placed within us a longing to love him with all our hearts. When we respond to Him with all our hearts, He loves us and gives Himself with all His heart for us.

It is a passionate relationship of pure and total surrender.

When we give ourselves to God with all our hearts, He allows us to experience the height and fullness of what it means to be a HUMAN BEING .

Our emotional capacity to love is immense.

We were created for love, and God will enable us to receive His love, to love Him back, and to love others.

Let’s look at some aspects of this yearning:

1) The Fiery Emotions of God

When our ability to "crave something" is denied, a terrible capacity for destruction is unleashed within us.

Our emotions can take us to heights far beyond what we can imagine if we say yes to God's Grace, but it can also take us to the deepest darkness in our life.

God, however, has jealous and burning emotions for us and created us to have the same emotions in response to Him.

2) a holy romance

“ Holy Romance” refers to what happens when a person's heart becomes radiant by receiving the holy love of Jesus and feeling holy love for Him.

This is a love that causes human beings to sacrifice greatly in many areas of their lives, even going so far as to stare each other down to death.

(talk about the martyrs of the church)

3) Our Redemption

Salvation involves a glorious EXCHANGE in which Christ takes our sin and guilt and we take His righteousness.

In addition to our legal cleansing before God, salvation includes intimacy with God in a relationship that involves receiving and giving deep affections between our hearts and His.

We are destined to have more passion for God than for any other person who has done him or her a great deal of good.

CAUTION : The human heart does not work well when half delivered. He will be passive and therefore vulnerable to many destructive passions . In order to be emotionally whole, we need to live wholeheartedly.

4) The Power of Living by Love

When we live in order to find strength in the arm of God, we revolutionize our Christian life and start living for love.

Being in love gives us strength and tenacity when we are tempted to let go of something. Being someone who loves God not only lessens exhaustion, but it also reduces temptation, because we find less satisfaction in sin.

Therefore, when we experience God's powerful presence, we fight much less with people and respond to difficult situations much better.

5) The Desire of the Heart of Jesus

Jesus' desire is our wholehearted love.

"... may the love with which you have loved me be in them, and I in them" John 17:26

Therefore, giving wholeheartedly means:
● Express our love obediently and not religiously.
● Whole-hearted surrender - those who follow God half-heartedly will always have a part within them that strongly wants to have a deep relationship with Him and not enjoy sin, but another part that is strongly inclined to want to enjoy sin and be hindered. to enjoy God.

Our desire to give ourselves wholeheartedly to God is a gift to us. When God has our complete attention, affection, and dedication to drawing near to Him, God sets the stage for a life of fulfillment.


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